A decade of notes etc…
Going through my personal archive of notes, sketches, photos, extracting thoughts that still retain an essence and working to create new patterns out of fragments from the past. Like a process of weaving, collaging, assembling, composing a structure from chaos while staying conscious of the fact that the randomness of the archive itself has its own value and makes it fun to explore.
The accumulation of analog material has been more or less organized by year however not so consistently. Some items are not dated, a number of notebooks have empty pages, waiting to be finished but unfinished they will remain. Other elements hidden in between obsolete meeting notes describe forgotten events that now appear as surprising. Another batch takes on a whole new meaning with the passing of time and my own ability to see through a broader perspective.
Reviewing it all made me realize of the declining volume of paper-based contents over the years, naturally with the rise of digital technology in both professional and personal life. Like a wake-up call, this prompted me to dig out my 10-year old photo printer to restore some lost habits, like making simple travel journals filled with photographs, museum brochures, train tickets, postcards...